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Return To School Rules

Dear parents/guardians and pupils , as we return to school this week, here is a reminder of our school rules.

Reminder - Mobile Phones / Drinks / School Uniform:

As we begin a new school year we would like to remind you of the the following:

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones (if brought to school) must remain switched off and out of sight throughout the school day. In line with school policy, breaches to this rule will mean the mobile phone is confiscated, switched off, sealed in an envelope and stored in the school office until a parent/guardian can collect the phone in person. We appreciate your help at home in ensuring that mobile phones (if brought to school) remain switched off and out of sight throughout the school day. Pupils are responsible for their own mobile phone if they bring it to school.


Only WATER is permitted in school. Sugary, Fizzy and Energy drinks are NOT TO BE CONSUMED and will be removed. St Joseph’s promotes Healthy Eating & Drinking.

School Uniform

Trainers and Hoodies must not be worn. Black leather shoes and school blazer only please.

As a school community we appreciate your continued support.

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